5 Reasons to Hire a Professional Writer

We’ve all caught ourselves staring at the arctic blankness of a new Word document wondering where to begin.

It happens.

After all, successful content marketing means so many factors to consider — SEO, brand voice, snappy headings, the list goes on. Strategic content development is a lot to handle, which is probably why 13% of top marketing professionals claim developing a strong content strategy is their top priority.

If navigating this sea of best practices, potential pain points, and various other buzzy marketing terms seems overwhelming, don’t sweat it.

Expert writers like our squad of content specialists here at Comma Copywriters exist to provide consistent, quality content while saving companies like yours time and money — not to mention adding a token splash of engaging wordplay to convert your newly acquired site visitors into promising leads.

Next time your brand’s copy demands begin piling up, think of these five reasons you should hire a professional writer:

1. You may not be posting enough

Maintaining a daily social media presence and crafting company emails takes enough time as it is, so it might be a shock to learn a once-weekly blog post is failing to capture the sort of traffic that drives real company growth.

In fact, many businesses use their company blog to drive traffic to their website. Depending on how seasoned your business is, you may need reevaluate your content strategy so you are frequently connecting with your target audience in a meaningful way.

More blogging leads to more traffic. It’s a fairly intuitive equation, but the increase in traffic also results in up to 67% more leads— meaning when a professional writer ramps up the content on your site, your overall conversion rate improves.

As an added bonus, hiring a writer to keep your posts consistent means you’re building a foundation of resources for users to discover down the road. Regular posting doesn’t just widen the scope of your current audience, it provides a library of content for future audiences to revisit.

2. We’re amazing at SEO

Mastering SEO is like getting really into soccer — ultimately a simple concept, but there’s a lot to it and sometimes it feels like the rest of the world has a head start.

Content SEO essentially means writing for machines as well as for humans. Your brand copy needs to attract a desired audience by containing proper keywords and phrases so search engines can find you. It also needs to be interesting and easy to digest, or you run the risk of turning off site visitors with clickbait articles void of any real substance.

A content marketing agency will help you with both. Professional writers exercise great care in creating copy easy for search engines to find and for real-life humans to enjoy. Striking that delicate balance is what allows us to sneak the word “content” into this article every 75 words or so without it getting overly repetitive.

For your corporate blogging to prove successful, your site’s copy needs to go beyond merely matching search terms to buzzwords within a post. Great content should coincide with user intent — this is what makes your brand interesting and relevant to those searching for information.

3. We’re also amazing with headlines

We have to be. A necessity of the social media age is quickly capturing the attention of your audience before they slip away.

Your brand needs to both engage and inform, but even when those two boxes are expertly checked and your latest SEO-friendly post is finally shared, many websites still experience a bounce rate of up to 37% and lower-than-average click-through rates (CTR).

The battle for your audience’s full attention can be challenging. Fortunately, professional writers have a career’s worth of experience in this particular arena. Great headlines are the hook that keeps you in sync with your audience — a poor headline comes across as misleading, out of touch, or just plain boring.

It may seem simple, but crafting appropriate headlines for audiences across a variety of platforms is an acquired skill backed by tons of research, experimentation, and disappointment in our own teenage blogs that didn’t take off like we thought they would (we all had one).

The world’s best content will make little to no impact without an effective headline.

4. We contribute a fresh perspective

Writing without a clear direction too often leads to copy that sounds overly corporate and never quite hones in on the specific problem you hope to resolve.

The purpose of site copy isn’t to merely clothe your otherwise naked website in text. Effective content answers a question, and that question must be compelling enough that through a captivating headline and efficient usage of SEO, someone has landed on your website expecting your brand or business to provide the answer.

Generating new ideas for interesting content requires a proper understanding of audience behavior, changing demographics, industry trends, and even technological changes across platforms. That’s where your new favorite copywriter thrives. Content marketers are experts at seeing your brand through the lens of a consumer and communicating the answers to their needs in a unique fashion.

And wouldn’t you know it — incorporating these diverse perspectives also tends to increase your bottom line.

5. We put it all together

While knowing how to utilize catchy headlines and SEO keywords is one thing, putting it all into practice on a strict schedule and in a new and interesting way is another. 

Applying all these tools to even one quality piece of copy can be a challenge. Considering the training and turnover risk involved with hiring in-house, it’s actually more cost-effective to outsource to a content agency staffed with writers happy to take on the load.

Agencies can also help avoid inconsistencies in your brand’s voice, provide the critical function of self-editing, and match your content needs to the appropriate platform for optimal performance. Our goal is to make your job easier and make an otherwise sophisticated digital landscape feel simple.

Interested in working with the team at Comma Copywriters? Schedule a free 20-minute consultation, and let us know how we can help with your content needs!

Writing TipsTeam Comma