"Comma Puts Life First." | Comma Culture Series with Kelly

Kelly Bergh, Team Lead at Comma

When it comes to her career, flexibility is key for Kelly Bergh. Writing and editing for Comma Copywriters gives her more than just the ability to work where she wants — she can work when her time and energy are ready for it, too.

Working on her own schedule lets Kelly pursue the life she wants to live without having to choose between travel and a fulfilling career. She feels supported knowing that at Comma, the team puts life first and means it.

This kind of supportive environment gives writers like Kelly the confidence to share her ideas and hone her editorial skills while creating original content to meet — and exceed — her clients’ expectations.

I love working for Comma because of the flexibility that it gives me. I know that I value my time more than anything else. I want to work when I have energy, not necessarily when someone tells me I need to be up and working. So, having a structure like Comma provides, it's a little more open-ended and puts life first, is very important to me. My time and energy is so valuable to me. I want my work to fit into that seamlessly, and Comma definitely enables that. Comma's flexibility definitely gives me the opportunity to travel but also take work with me. So it's nice not having to exclusively do one or the other. I can live the sort of life that I want to live, either on the road or at home, and work that's in all of that. 

I think Comma's life-first approach, as I already mentioned, and its ability to specialize in copywriting is super unique because, in many workplaces, you're asked to do multiple tasks, and we like being experts in what we do. So we can do deep dives, we can research, can hone our craft, and really confidently provide this singular service. I love the collaborative atmosphere that we have. We value feedback, constructive criticism, opportunities to mess up, try again. It's a very forgiving environment, and I think that's really unique in today's workplace. So, I definitely value that, and I know that our team does as well. 

Comma is such an inclusive atmosphere. All ideas are welcome all of the time. We want to hear what brilliant ideas you have on some days, and what concerns you have on other days. It's a constantly changing environment, and we prioritize growth.

Check out our hiring page to learn more about our culture, team, and values.