Comma Awarded Utah's "Best of State" for 2023

Comma Awarded Utah’s “Best of State” for 2023

On May 15, 2023, Best of State-Utah announced its winners for all categories. In the Literary Arts list, Comma Copywriters was awarded Best of State for Writers’ Services. Comma has provided copywriting services for a wide variety of clientele since 2016 and was founded with a passion for creating content worth reading. This recognition as Best of State is a huge milestone for Team Comma, and we can’t wait to see what else the future holds.

What is “Best of State”?

The Best of State Awards began 20 years ago to recognize the achievements of local Utah-based businesses and Utah marketers. From their website: “By recognizing excellence in our community and sharing examples of success and triumph in so many worthy endeavors, we hope all will be inspired to reach a little higher, to try a little harder, and to work a little smarter for our dreams and goals.

These awards are broken down into 10 main categories: 

  • Arts & Entertainment

  • Business Services 

  • Community Development

  • Dining Establishments

  • Education

  • Hospitality, Travel & Tourism

  • Merchandising & Consumer Services

  • Production & Manufacturing

  • Science & Technology

  • Sports & Recreation

The Arts and Entertainment category contains several subcategories, including Literary Arts. The Literary Arts list encompasses fields of expertise such as journalism, poetry, screenwriting, and writers’ services—which is where Comma Copywriters excelled.

In order to win a Best of State award, an individual or business must be nominated, meet several criteria, and then be evaluated by a team of over 100 independent judges. The judges review all entries without knowing the identity of the nominees and grade them based on a possibility of 100 points in three categories. 

Scoring is weighted as such: 50% is based on “achievement in the field of endeavor,” 30% accounts for “innovation or creativity in approaches, techniques, methods, or processes,” and 20% is attributed to the organization’s “contribution to the quality of life in Utah.” Comma is thrilled to have scored high for all three categories—achievement, innovation, and adding value to the state of Utah. 

The “Best of State” Gala 2023

Following the winner’s list announcement, Comma team members were honored to attend the Best of State Gala with other Utah marketers on May 24th, 2023. Founder Crystalee Beck attended alongside Sarah Acheson, Director of Client Success and Operations, Lisa Heaton, Director of Business Development, and Paige Smith, Team Support Manager. 

“Comma has been a part of many awards programs over the years, but being part of Best of State was something special,” said Director of Client Success and Operations, Sarah Acheson.  “It was an honor to be recognized in our home state of Utah alongside other wonderful Utah companies.” 

Utah marketers and other leaders from all over the state turned out to celebrate one another’s successes at this amazing event.

What Makes Comma the “Best of State”

Comma is a woman-owned company that prides itself on a “life-first” outlook for its employees and partners. These company values contribute to a dedicated team of writers, editors, and administrators who make every word count:

  • Freedom: Life First

    Team members thrive with flexible, remote work. The company began when founder Crystalee Beck was determined to find a way to make her work a means to support a fulfilling life—not the other way around.

  • Accountability: Show Up, Own Your Work

    At Comma, every piece of content is on time, or it’s on the house. Writers are organized into teams with hard deadlines, clear expectations, and bi-weekly check-ins to keep everyone on track.

  • Humility: Work as a Team, No Egos

    Comma acknowledges that even the best writers need an editor. No one here is above the writing and feedback process, and anyone who can’t work well with a team won’t be a good fit at Comma.

  • Curiosity: Keep Learning and Growing

    Writers excel by researching topics in-depth, even when the same topic has been covered dozens of times. Team members also learn from past mistakes, rather than letting setbacks discourage growth.

  • Care: Put Your Heart Into It

    Every client—no matter how small—receives thoughtful, meaningful content written by people, for people. Whether they’re writing about SaaS products, social media marketing, or even onions, each piece of content has a beating heart behind it.

“At Comma, we are proud of the quality product and client experience that we work hard to deliver to every one of our partners. Winning Best of State validates that the unique way our team works really works,” said Acheson.

Work With Comma and Receive “Best of State” Quality Service

Companies that need writing services can get in touch with Director of Business Development Lisa Heaton for a fully customizable content plan. Whether you’re looking to add 30 blog posts a month to your corporate website, or just need help occasionally, Comma has solutions for all kinds of business needs. 

When working with Comma, the company owns three brand promises to give clients peace of mind: 

  1. Two sets of professional eyes review every piece of content before you see it.

  2. The first draft is delivered on time, guaranteed. Or it’s on the house.

  3. One round of client revisions is included with everything we write.

And with this Best of State win, Comma Copywriters intends to maintain a distinguished level of friendly professionalism, accountability, and dedication to writing content worth reading.

When asked how the Best of State seal might impact Comma, Sarah Acheson said, “Winning Best of State motivates us as a team to continue to innovate and improve and be worthy of that title every day in the way we work together and work with our clients.” 

Learn more about this writing services company, and contact Comma today to begin your content support journey.