Why Outsourcing Marketing Content Makes Good Business Sense

Woman writing in notebook

Is it best to outsource marketing content writing to a third-party provider or handle it in-house? 

That’s the question asked by many B2B marketing pros these days. On paper, it may seem easier, quicker, and more affordable to build an in-house content marketing team. But is it really? Answering this question has become increasingly important, as effective content marketing is vital to every B2B company’s business strategy. 

The importance of effective content marketing 

B2B content marketing leverages blogs, ebooks, case studies, success stories, and other media to attract, engage, and convert website visitors. Content marketing helps B2B brands get in front of customers by providing quality content when and where they are looking for it. 

In this way, effective B2B content writing does much of the heavy lifting in finding, attracting, and generating leads. Content marketing also builds trust by showing that B2B brands care about the same things as their customers.

For these reasons, outsourcing your content marketing makes good business sense. Investing in an experienced, reliable content agency or freelancer will ensure that your B2B company produces quality content that will help achieve many business goals, including:

  • Attract a target audience

  • Improve SEO

  • Drive brand awareness

  • Increase sales and revenue

  • Boost brand loyalty

  • Prompt people to act

More B2B brands are outsourcing their marketing content

In today’s ultra-competitive business landscape, more B2B brands are seeing the value in outsourcing their content marketing. According to a recent Content Marketing Institute survey, 56% of all B2B marketing teams are now outsourcing at least part of their content marketing to third-party agencies or freelancers, with content creation being the marketing activity they outsource the most. 

In addition, 82% of people feel positive about a company after reading custom content, and 80% of business decision-makers prefer getting information about companies through articles versus ads. It’s no wonder more B2B brands are jumping on the outsourcing bandwagon.

5 benefits of outsourcing B2B marketing content writing

Companies choose to outsource their content production for various reasons. A limited budget may prohibit them from building an in-house content team. Or, they could be so sidetracked by other business matters that they don’t have time to formulate a sound content marketing strategy, let alone create effective content. 

Outsourcing can help B2B brands with all of that and more. Here are five key advantages of partnering with an experienced marketing content provider.

1. Cost savings

The costs of hiring, training, and managing a full-time in-house content marketing team can add up, and that’s not including office space, salaries, benefits, and equipment. When you outsource to a content creation agency, you pay just for their services, and they handle all of the costs that come with it. In the long run, investing in outsourcing to a content marketing agency will save money and increase the likelihood that your content strategy will yield a higher ROI.

2. Frees up time

A 1000-word blog post takes nearly 4 hours to produce. It takes 16 or more monthly blog posts for companies to see the best content marketing ROI. All in all, brands need to devote 60 hours a month to blog writing. Few companies have that kind of time. Outsourcing frees up time your in-house team can spend on more important business-building priorities. The boosted productivity alone makes outsourcing your content marketing a sound investment.

3. Fresh perspectives

Leveraging the viewpoints of someone who isn’t immersed in a company can yield significant value. Working with company “outsiders” can foster original ideas and angles that produce unique, high-quality content. A fresh pair of eyes can also provide deeper insight into your content marketing strategies. Ultimately, an unbiased view will help you challenge the “this is how we’ve always done it” way of thinking and drive growth with innovative ideas and methods. 

4. Consistent output

Consistency is at the heart of any content marketing strategy. A few blog posts do not go far; it’s a robust stable of content built over time that brings results. Unfortunately, in-house teams either don’t have the time to produce that type of output or be so distracted by other duties that content sounds rushed and half-baked. Partnering with a content marketing agency is an ideal way to ensure you can create quality content consistently. Plus, consistent messaging builds trust that helps your brand forge meaningful connections with your audience.

5. Access to top-notch writers

Content marketing agencies work with experienced writers who know how to appeal to audiences through engaging content that informs, delights, and converts. The best content marketing agencies are adept at pairing companies with writers with expertise in a specific industry. This personalized pairing can result in improved content, better brand awareness, and increased website traffic. A great content writer can use their industry knowledge to produce well-crafted content rich in SEO keywords and optimized for search, always with a target audience in mind.

Are you ready to outsource?

Whether you’re ready to partner with a third-party content agency or a solo freelancer, vetting a content provider takes time and consideration. Choosing an outsourcing provider with experienced writers who “get” you and your industry is important. 

The bottom line is outsourcing will ensure that your content marketing is as high-quality and impactful as possible. Delegating it to the experts at a content marketing agency like Comma Copywriters can achieve all that and more.


Comma Copywriters is an award-winning content shop that delivers impactful B2B content that attracts, delights, and converts! Want to learn more about Team Comma? Schedule your free consultation today.