Know Your Audience as Well as Alexa Knows You!

content marketing agency professional writer

We’ve all wondered if Alexa is listening to us all day long. Amazon knows their audience and has the algorithms to deliver exactly what we need before we even admit to ourselves that we need it. But we’re not all Amazon.

The Venn Diagram of content development calls for a synergy between what your company or brand cares about — your mission, and what your audience cares about. The crossover is where your most successful content lives.

Understanding the needs and preferences of your audience is critical to delivering relevant content. Content delivered to the wrong audience, at the wrong time, can be perceived to the detriment of your company. Whether you are selling a product, service, concept or theory, beginning with a baseline understanding of who is on the receiving end of your message will guarantee your pitch lands in the right hands.

Working with a content marketing agency can be a great way to ensure your message has reached its intended recipient in a manner that matters most to them.

Change Your Perspective

Looking at a problem from multiple angles is a trusted exercise for finding new solutions.

Just as your product or service is solving a challenge or meeting a need for your customer, content marketing agencies exist to solve their client’s obstacles. The difference is that a content marketing agency solves many different challenges and has a wealth of resources to pool in order to help you solve yours.

Working with a content agency is a great way to introduce new perspectives. Often, content developers will have experience in different industries or business verticals. They frequently maneuver from client to client where collaborative thinking yields crowd-sourced solutions.

Throughout our day, there are a number of external influences that inform our perspectives. This sphere of influence is amplified when working with an outside group or agency.

Content amplification is a well-known marketing concept which boils down to the wide-spread dissemination of content. Amplification works when your message and your audience meet.

Often as individuals and creatures of habit, our perception of where our audience receives their content is limited. Working with an agency can help amplify your opportunities, and therefore amplify your message, reaching greater relevant audiences.

Choose Your Words Wisely

Work harder, not smarter. Wait, that doesn’t sound right.

Another important partner in content development is the professional writer. A professional writer can spin cotton candy out of sugar cane, figuratively of course.

Well-written content goes through many filters. Don’t skimp on the opportunity to work with a professional when available. It could mean the difference between selling travel during a pandemic or the promise of travel post-pandemic, which would be much better received.

Don’t know where to start when looking for content development help? Schedule your free consultation with Comma Copywriters today, and you’ll be on your way to content you feel matches the needs of your audience!