Inputs and Outputs: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating High-Value Content Using Generative AI

AI has become an increasingly pivotal force in content creation, revolutionizing just about every aspect of the creative process. According to a Martech survey, 73% of marketers use AI to create text, images, videos, and more. Another 49% say they use generative AI to produce final versions of content.

But oftentimes, AI-generated content lacks a brand’s unique tone and voice that fosters connection, and human creativity and expertise still play an essential role.

In this guide, we’ll walk through the step-by-step process for creating high-value content using ChatGPT, one of the most accessible, powerful generative AI tools on the market today. We’ll discuss the importance of understanding the limitations and capabilities of ChatGPT, then share tips for refining output to inject the human touch.

Step 1: Understand ChatGPT and Its Capabilities

ChatGPT is an AI language model that was released by OpenAI in November 2022. The model is designed to understand and generate human-like text responses and can be used to engage in conversations, answer questions, provide explanations, and help with tasks like writing code or solving math problems.

As of July 2024, ChatGPT has more than 180 million users, and the website generates 600 million visitors per month.

ChatGPT can be useful for creating various types of content for marketers, including:

  • Blog articles

  • Social media captions

  • Product descriptions

  • Email newsletters

  • Content outlines

  • Ad copy

  • Landing page content

Step 2: Define Your Content Objectives and Target Audience

Before submitting AI prompts, it’s important to identify content objectives, conduct market research, and create buyer personas, which can help define your target demographic.

Once you define objectives, set measurable goals and continue to optimize content based on AI analytics. This allows you to create content that resonates with your audience, aligns with your brand, and delivers value. 

Step 3: Craft an Effective Prompt

A clear and well-structured prompt will help your AI model generate higher-quality content that aligns with your goals, saving time and effort in the content creation process. It’s important to be specific, set constraints, and include examples to guide the AI model and convey your expectations.

Here are some prompt ideas to get your wheels turning:

  • Blog article on sustainable fashion: "Write a 1,000-word blog article discussing the impact of fast fashion on the environment and provide actionable tips for adopting a more sustainable wardrobe. Focus on the importance of ethical sourcing, recycling/upcycling, and mindful consumer choices."

  • Social media post for a fitness brand: "Create an engaging social media post (150 words) promoting our new fitness apparel line. Emphasize the comfort, durability, and performance benefits of our products. Include a call-to-action encouraging followers to share their fitness goals in the comments."

  • Product description for a smart home device: "Write a concise product description (200 words) for our smart home device that controls lighting, temperature, and security. Highlight its user-friendly interface, energy-saving features, and compatibility with popular smart home ecosystems. Appeal to tech-savvy homeowners seeking convenience and efficiency."

If the initial output doesn't meet your requirements, don’t be afraid to experiment, iterate, and refine the prompt. Adjust the wording, add clarification, or provide more context to improve the quality and relevance of the generated content.

Step 4: Refine and Edit the Output

A recent survey found that 29.4% of consumers say generative AI answers are not credible, which proves the ongoing need for humans to refine and edit AI output.  

A QA process is essential to ensure accuracy and coherence. Content creators should always review AI-generated content for relevance, clarity, and readability. They should make necessary adjustments, rephrase sentences to match brand and tone, and correct errors. Marketers can even provide feedback to the AI model to improve future outputs.

Step 5: Incorporate Human Touch and Expertise

Today’s machine learning tools simply can’t compensate for the human touch. It’s up to human content creators to infuse AI output with personality, empathy, and creativity. 

Here are some approaches for incorporating human touch and expertise:

  1. Tailored messaging: Customize AI-generated content to resonate with the specific needs, preferences, and language of your target audience.

  2. Emotional connection: Inject empathy and emotional intelligence into the content by addressing the audience's frequently felt emotions, aspirations, and pain points.

  3. Storytelling: Craft narratives that captivate and engage readers using storytelling techniques like framing, plot, and character development to create compelling, relatable, and memorable experiences.

  4. Authentic voice: Use a brand voice that reflects the organization's personality and values, ensuring the content feels genuine and human.

  5. Human-centered focus: Prioritize the end user's experience and address their concerns, queries, and feedback to provide valuable and meaningful content.

By embracing these strategies, AI-generated content can go beyond information delivery and truly connect with the audience on a deeper level.

Step 6: Perform Quality Control and Fine-Tuning

Quality control measures are essential to ensure the accuracy, coherence, and relevance of AI outputs. Content should always be proofread for grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Human editors should also check for factual accuracy and coherence, and conduct a thorough review to add hyperlinks or relevant statistics and to ensure the content meets quality standards.

Step 7: Balance AI Strengths with Human Input

Humans and AI each have unique strengths, and content creators can balance these strengths by clearly defining roles and responsibilities. While AI can be leveraged for data processing, content generation, and automation, humans should be valued for their critical thinking, creativity, and emotional intelligence.

Collaboration, feedback loops, and iterative improvements ensure the best of both worlds, resulting in high-quality, personalized content that combines the analytical power of AI with the nuanced understanding and creativity of humans.

Step 8: Finalize and Publish the Content

Before AI-generated content goes live, it’s important to give it one last review for accuracy, coherence, and alignment with brand objectives. Content should be appropriately formatted for the publishing platform, whether it's a website, blog, social media, or other relevant outlet. Marketers should regularly monitor and analyze performance to optimize future AI-generated content.

Step 9: Emphasize the Importance of Human Involvement

The integration of AI like ChatGPT paves the way for more efficient and streamlined content creation. With all the time saved, content creators can focus on more creative and strategic aspects—and less on the mundane, repetitive tasks associated with the role.

Still, AI-generated content is no match for the human touch, and marketers must use their creativity and expertise to create unique, branded content that resonates with target audiences.

Ready to explore Generative AI? Schedule your free 20-minute consultation today to learn how Comma’s dedicated content marketing team can integrate AI tools to elevate your content marketing strategy.