Care, Capacity, and Connection: Comma's Building Blocks for Community

If you look up top careers for introverts, the writer's profession invariably makes the list. It makes sense; writing is a career that requires a good amount of reflection and solitude. Truthfully, I knew I wanted to be a writer before I even discovered I was an introvert or knew what the word meant. By third grade, I had already declared I’d be a writer one day. And though I went through many different dream career phases, I always came back to the written word. 

I worked as a teacher for five years, one year in the United States and four years in Costa Rica. Initially, the ability to write lesson plans and teach my students how to write was enough for me. However, as time went on, I realized I needed to dedicate myself to a career where writing was my top priority. Eventually, I made the switch from an English teacher to a contract content writer. As I got more comfortable with preferences for working autonomously and having plenty of time to reflect, I noticed something surprising was lacking from my experiences writing for B2B companies and agencies alike.

A LinkedIn Message Changed Everything

Despite being a proud introvert, I’ve always benefited and recognized the importance of a community. A sense of belonging and fellowship goes far no matter how you prefer to recharge your energy. Working on articles, web copy, product descriptions, and email marketing drips was what I dreamed of, but there was little to no space to collaborate with designers, editors, and other writers. We mostly operate as islands and communicate intermittently over email. I started to assume that is just how the contract world worked for writers—until a chance LinkedIn message arrived in my inbox in late 2019. 

Anyone active on LinkedIn knows you get a lot of messages and few of them are actually relevant or interesting. This message was different. It was from Crystalee Beck, a writer and content marketing agency founder in Utah. She sent me a personalized pitch asking if I’d be interested in content marketing services as I was working as a marketing manager at an agency at that time. It wasn’t something that fit my immediate needs, but I was instantly struck by the warm, authentic voice coming through Crystalee’s message. I took a look at Crystalee’s LinkedIn profile further as well as the Comma website. This seems like someone I’d like to get to know, I thought. 

I messaged Crystalee back and let her know content marketing services weren’t a need at that time, but I’d be interested in connecting with her and learning more about writing for Comma. She responded and kindly asked me to reach back out in a few months when her team would be bringing on new writers and editors. 

Over the next couple of months, I checked back in on Comma’s website every now and again. There was something about the commitment to excellence coupled with a sense of care and community that stood out to me. These writers were all contract-based but they didn’t operate in silos. They were a team and it showed. 

After a few months went by, I connected with Crystalee and we set up a phone meeting. She was just as kind, polished, and authentic as I had imagined. I performed a test assignment for Comma, received helpful feedback, and was informed I’d been added to the team. 

Comma Cares—and It Shows

Little did I know, I’d be joining a team that would go on to mean so much to my career and truly, my life. During the height of the pandemic, I had a means of connecting with fellow writers and editors. Monthly check-ins and Zoom meetings helped me stay in touch with others and grow my skills even when on lockdown. Over time, I’ve worn many hats at Comma from Lead Writer to Managing Editor to Team Lead. I’ve met incredible people I would have otherwise never connected with, traveled to meet the team in person, and have been stretched to grow as a person and a writer. 

One of the things that sets Comma apart from other agencies I’ve worked with is that they make it a practice to live out their values. One of Comma’s values is care, which coincides perfectly with a sense of community. Through ups and downs, accomplishments and setbacks, the Comma team has been there for me. From care packages to postcards, Comma always delivers little touches that make a big impact. 

With that value of care comes a key Comma concept: capacity. The Comma team checks in each month to survey the team about their availability and capacity to take on more work. I’ve raised my hand for extra work during times of increased availability such as during a recent career transition. The Comma team was there to help me find assignments that would allow me to flex and grow my skill set strategically and continue to contribute to my family’s income. Other times when I’ve had less capacity to take on new assignments, everyone has been immensely understanding. There is no sense of egos or pressure to take on work that prevents you from putting life first. It’s one of the things that helps keep the sense of community strong at Comma, the understanding that everyone has ebbs and flows in life. 

As Comma continues to grow, so does our community. While you might expect collaboration and connection to diminish as an organization expands, my experience has been the opposite. Our team continues to get better at living out our shared values, caring for each other, and delivering excellence for our clients. 

Written by Mary Clark Navarro as part of the Comma Culture series. Are you looking for a team of writers to support your marketing content? Schedule your free 20-minute consultation today.

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