Black-Owned Businesses Every Marketer Needs to Know About

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, both small and large businesses across industries were faced with unexpected financial, economic, and personal challenges. The Committee on Small Business found that for many black-owned businesses, these challenges were particularly devastating. Within just three months at the start of the pandemic, black business ownership rates dropped by 41%

As a member of the Utah Black Chamber, Comma is dedicated to building pathways for minority members and supporting black-owned businesses as we all work to recover from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Here are seven black-owned businesses you can help support by hiring them to address your marketing needs this year. 

1. The Creator’s Law Firm

When it comes to marketing, your brand is everything. It’s the core of who you are as a business and the foundation you will build your professional relationships upon moving forward. Strong brands are consistent. If anyone can use your business name, logo, design, or phrases in any way they choose, it becomes impossible to maintain this consistency. Every marketer should legally register their business trademarks to protect themselves from brand burglary. 

The Creator’s Law Firm is ready and qualified to assist you with all of your trademarking needs. Founded by Ticora Davis in 2017, The Creator’s Law Firm is a black-owned, woman-owned business specializing in trademark services for small business entrepreneurs. Not only can they help you with the initial trademark registration process, they also can assist with cease and desist orders and Office Action letters from the USPTO. With help from The Creator’s Law Firm, you will have the power to protect your brand from copycats and unauthorized use both now and in the future. 

2. Black Creative Group

A full service marketing agency, Black Creative Group specializes in BIPOC messaging and advertising. Their clients range from high profile political candidates and professional organizations to nonprofit groups and educational institutions. Co-founders Mike Utaegbulam and Krystal Glass established Black Creative Group to help their clients reach minority groups with culturally relevant messaging that’s both bold and impactful. 

As a racially diverse team, the agency brings 15+ years of professional marketing experience in a variety of areas, including branding and positioning, digital advertising, and website design. Though the agency offers a variety of services, they’re most passionate about helping strengthen brand relationships with BIPOC audiences and providing strategies for messaging that will resonate with minority communities. 

3. OneUnited Bank

OneUnited Bank is the largest black-owned bank in the United States. Headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, the bank aims to serve those who live in urban communities by making banking services more accessible and affordable. The Bank’s owner and CEO, Kevin Cohee, along with its board of directors are dedicated to strengthening communities by offering mortgage and housing services, educational resources to help improve financial literacy, and financial support for small business development. 

If you’re looking for an FDIC-certified financial institution to help you manage your finances, consider opening a business account with OneUnited Bank. They have offices in California, Florida, and Massachusetts, as well as a variety of online services so you can have support for all of your banking needs wherever you go. 

4. MK Copywriting

Ready to publish strategic content with a touch of soulfulness? MK Copywriting is a black-owned, woman-owned digital copy agency that seeks to infuse strategic content with soulful emotion in order to capture the hearts of your audiences. Their mission is to help you leverage your brand story to make long-lasting connections with others. 

While they make an extra effort to support other black-owned businesses in producing engaging content, MK Copywriting is non-discriminatory. If you’re looking to add a little more soul and emotion to your marketing content, these are the copywriters you’ve been looking for!

5. Banks, Finley, White & Co. 

Every marketing decision is influenced and limited by a budget. Budgets help you reap the full benefits of your strategic marketing efforts by cutting costs in order to maximize profits and increase the networth of your business. Creating this budget each year isn’t easy. Not only do you need to have organized financial records from previous years, but you also need to be aware of changing tax laws and potential business fees for the upcoming year.

That’s where Banks, Finley, White & Co. comes in. As a certified public accounting firm, Banks, Finley, White & Co. can help you have and maintain accurate financial information from year to year so you can create better budgets and make informed financial decisions regarding your marketing efforts. They are a full service firm offering auditing and accounting services, small business management assistance, consultations, and a variety of tax services. 

6. OnlineDrea

Need some help developing your social media marketing strategies? Or maybe you’re ready to hire an expert who can take over your social media marketing efforts? No matter what your social media needs are, Andréa Jones and her team at OnlineDrea can help!

OnlineDrea is both a full service social media marketing agency and an online school working to educate business owners and marketers on the power of social media. For those who are looking to hire some additional help, OnlineDrea offers expert social media management and content creation services via a monthly retainer. They’ll handle everything from planning to posting and help you analyze your growth along the way. 

For those who want to learn more about how to effectively use social media as a marketing tool, OnlineDrea offers live coaching and a training program through their Savvy Social School. Learn how to create a strategic marketing plan, use content calendars to manage your post frequency, increase your audience, and more. 

7. EraBright

Founded in 2016 by Jamichael Mitchell, this black-owned, digital marketing agency is creating waves in the SEO community by making their services more accessible to businesses with smaller budgets. EraBright is a virtual agency, meaning that all of their team members work remotely. This lowers their overhead costs and allows them to offer high quality digital marketing services at a fraction of the price of other firms. 

EraBright’s services include paid advertising, search engine optimization (SEO), and website design and development. They also offer free consultations, marketing webinars, DIY guides, and other resources for marketers and business owners who want to understand more about SEO but don’t currently have room in their budget to hire professional SEO services. 
Are you black business owner looking for help with your content marketing this year? We’d love to support your business by producing high-quality copy and engaging content for your marketing strategy. Schedule a free consultation with the Comma Copywriters team today!