Comma’s 8th Birthday: Crepes & Content Chats
It’s a year for Olympic Games in Paris, and we’re embracing it. You’re invited to join us for Crepes & Content Chats, a celebration of eight years in business at Comma Copywriters
This is an invite-only event for business leaders, content marketers, clients, and friends of Comma. We have limited spots, so please register to RSVP so we know head count for dinner.
What to Expect
Come party with Comma as we celebrate our 8th birthday in business! Announcing our fourth annual "content chats" event for Utah marketers and friends of Comma Copywriters.
This eighth birthday celebration is a night of appreciation, education, and entertainment for marketers. Enjoy yummy crepes and French-themed dinner.
Scott Porter of San Diablo Churros and Vitamin T shares his content strategy.
You're invited to join Comma for a catered charcuterie spread of sweet and savory eats, message from Comma's founder, and brief content chats (think TEDx-style) with leading Utah content marketers:
Melanie Jones, Editor-in-Chief of Utah Business magazine
Mark Boothe, CMO of Domo
Jenny Spalding, Senior Commercialization Director of Walker Edison
John Huntinghouse, CMO of TAB Bank
Come prepared for word nerd games! We’ll host our own version of the Olympic Games, keeping you on your toes for both individual and team events. Prizes and bragging rights included.
It may be our birthday, but we have presents for YOU. Each guest will also receive a party favor bag, featuring gifts from our favorite Utah brands. Thanks to Raffle Prize Sponsor, Minky Couture.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Team Comma
P.S. Check out last year's event video below and our blog post recap. We have a good time! 🎂